Sunday, July 01, 2007

xtreme beers: schneider aventinus eisbock

bock means 'goat' and eis means 'ice', together, eisbock does not mean 'icegoat'. take that linearity.
i drank this beer at the weisses brauhaus in munich. this beer was the dessert to a meal of pork ribs and knödel (dumplings). it tastes like grapes and a whole symphony of alcohols. because of its potency, it's served in diminuitive .33 liter glass, instead of the usual .5 for weizens. it is a beer whose darkness is exceeded only by its intense fruit essence and uppercut-to-the-jaw alcohol content, and i 100 percent recommend it to lovers of dark beers and weizens.


Blogger FretlessC said...

maybe I'll try it again. I thought it was two sweet and fruity the first time, esp. compared to normal Aventinus, which I love so much.

10:04 PM  

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