Monday, April 23, 2007

mixA_final and othermix_edit

My sister has a friend who sends out (or did send out) mixes to his friends each year (or some years). Usually, they're two disc, and the one that I stole from my sis that I like the most is "Day" and "Night", a two disc set with some apparent but inexplicable link to the the title's dichotomy. That's Long-words for, "the title is good for the mix." I actually played the entire mix for one session of Newfangled Wasteland on WRVU.
Anyway, the point is that I started, some time in October, to put together a mix of what I listened to the most in 2006. Usually, mixes are almost easy (almost being the operative term). Usually, I know who I'm making them for, and I'm in a certain phase in my listening habits. When I brought this charge to myself, I started with the stupid assumption that I had "plenty of time" before x-mas. I also decided I would try to send it to a lot of people, so I lost the focused audience. When I was DJing, I ran into similar listenership problems, but I was able to construct a "college-radio-listening-hoi-polloi" image from the phone calls I got and the other DJs, plus I could play to people I knew were listening. Now, I have this audience of my friends and family, who run the gamut in terms of music appreciation. The biggest issue is finding some neutral ground b/w the snobs and the anti-snobs (which is a bit of recursive nomenclature - the snobs are actually anti-"well-known-artists", and the anti-snobs are actually to some extent anti-anti-pop, so on and so forth. Sadly, the extent of this recursion runs surprisingly deep and means a lot to some people). Anyway, I want my music to be beautiful not realistic, and I want people to be at once confused and entertained by it. I'm hoping that the final result will have at least one song to offend each listener and at least seven songs to move each listener. That said, this is one of the most difficult undertakings I've ever undertaken, and yet, looking at my current playlist, I can't say that this is a "best of" or anything. In fact, it's not one of my "best" mixes, but I'm hoping that it speaks to the most people.
I'm hoping to work it all out before Laura comes back in about 30 hours, since it's pretty annoying for her hearing me play the beginnings and ends of tracks over and over and over.
After all that introduction, I've got nothing. (Teaser): I can promise you, however, that Pizzicato Five's "Roma" will be on one of the mixes.
Also, if you happen to read this, please send me your address immediately. Anyone who actually takes the time to read this crap is worth the shipping and handling.


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