Sunday, December 03, 2006

Homebrew Success!

Up until now this blog has been about reviewing commercially available brews, but it seems like a good place to relate my personal brewing antics as well. So here goes...

The first (successful) incarnation of Simplicity Pale (working title) is officially drinkable! Perhaps even good! The very first incarnation a few months ago turned out to be sour pond water rather than beer because my grain wasn't cracked, but this time everything worked! It's meant to be a very straightforward american pale using as simple a recipe as possible (thus the title), but due to the rather subdued hop flavors it falls more in line with a British pale like Bass, although with fewer of the pronounced candied fruit flavors thanks to the slightly higher efficiency of the american style yeast strain. I had a small tasting party last night for some folks who all seemed to enjoy it, which is the point, I guess. None of the folks there were connoisseurs and so they kinda looked at me sideways when I would say things about the nose and the finish, but they tolerated my snobbishness remarkably well. Although if someone was going to invite me over and give me tasty beer and all I had to do was sit and listen to him to him talk about things I didn't really know anything about I would probably do it... But now on to the flavor profile.

The nose is almost pure sweetness with a hint of caramel and sometimes the ghost of floral hop. On the tongue the first sensation is a burst of sweetness that dies away into fruit with a hint of sour. The hops only show themselves in the dryness of the finish. At times there's a slight off-flavor near the end, but that is showing up less and less now, and the disappearance of that flavor has been concurrent with the decrease in sediment from the keg bottom, so I can't help but think there's a connection. The beer tastes a little young, so I might let it sit in the primary fermenter a little longer in the next batch. Also, I think a little more fresh hop in the nose would be nice, so I'm considering dry-hopping the next batch or perhaps including a purely aroma hop along with the all-around workhorse Cascade.

Original Gravity - 1.059
Final Gravity - 1.019
Alcohol % - c. 5.5
IBU (guesstimate) - 25-30

Next planned brew-date is sometime before I go home for Christmas. I'd like to be able to let the batch sit in the primary for the whole break and basically be ready when I get back in mid-January.


Blogger FretlessC said...

na zdrowie

10:41 PM  

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