Wednesday, November 29, 2006

DogfishHead: Olde School barleywine ale

From BOS_webalbum
From BOS_webalbum
cool new glass.
From BOS_webalbum

Nothing surprising here, except the alcohol percentage, which is very very high.
Nose is straight alcohol, but the flavor has a reasonable hoppiness without losing smooth malty flavors. Take your favorite barleywine and pour a swig of vodka in it.
My official rating is I like it. But, $3.75 a bottle is a bit much. Typical for Dogfish. It was worth a shot, and when I pull the fourth bottle out from hiding a year from now, I'm sure it will be even tastier.

BTW, how do you spell the name of that big ass glass?


Blogger quill7111 said...

Maß, literally a "measure" of beer. And by measure I mean exactly 1 liter. And by "exactly" I mean there's usually a line on it with "1L" printed/engraved by it because it comes from Germany where knowing the exact measures of things is a high virtue. Up there with not coveting your neighbor's donkey. Or wife... But wouldn't you rather have exactly 1 liter of beer instead? I mean, what would you do with a donkey? or a wife?

12:12 AM  

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