Sunday, November 12, 2006

Utenos Porter

Utenos Porter

This cold-one AND the Zywiec and Okocim are reviewed pretty satisfactorily in this article on Baltic Porters:
This beer's also been reviewed here:
and this is BJCP's contribution:

**By the way, I've decided to refer to them as "cold-ones" in deference to Strongbad, without whom my life would significantly less amusingly random.**

If you look closely at this cold-one, you'll find a short blob saying that "connoisseurs" have been admiring it for years, that it's a "premium quality dark beer" (over and over around the edge of the label and the bottle-neck barrel), and that it's brewed in Utena, Lithuania. Honestly, the only thing I know about Lithuania is that their Olympic basketaball team has tye-dye Grateful Dead uniforms, which is pretty awesome. I didn't know they made cold-ones, but I'm very happy to say that this is perfectly decent. It reminds me a little of the Rapscallion creation that I will review later. In spite of it's being a 'cold one,' this cold-one is quite a lot better slightly warm. When it's cold, all you can really feel is the caramel nose, the alcohol, the bubbles and the temperature. However, once it's sat for a little while, it begins to taste more complex. It's very smooth - smoother than I'd like it to be, but it's still tasty. It was only $1.99 for a half-liter, and it is a nice break from the extremely heavy porters that I tend to buy. Sweet, smooth, caramelly. Definitely worth a try.


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