Monday, October 30, 2006

Heavyweight: Old Salty Barleywine Ale 2005

like their Perkund's (sic?) Hammer, this beer tastes great after more than a year, and probably would age well. At 11%/vol, you can be sure it would last. It reminds me a little bit of J.W. Lee's Harvest ale, though at less than a quarter of the price, I think it qualifies as infinitely better. I can't decide whether to try to age one of these in a closet or what. I think this is probably the last of this beer I'll ever be able to buy, because Heavyweight, may they RIP, died an unnatural death (whenever a good brewery falls out, like Dogwood in Atlanta, it's unquestionably not natural). Anyway, back to the beer. I think it's a very good dessert beer. It's sweet and strong, but smooth and flavorful. I'll miss this brewery.


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