Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Stone: Double Bastard

From BEER_webalbum

So, I don't have anything enlightening to say about this beer. It certainly has high status in my pantheon of amazing beers, and I would do almost anything for a case of these babies, but describing the yumminess is beyond me. It's kind of like eating a hop with a bunch of bittersweet malt on the side, and then an alcoholy malt chaser... If that makes any sense at all. Maybe at the "Extreme Beer Fest" I'll learn how to describe this beer. Anyway, it fuckin rocks. I don't remember last year's double bastard very well, but I'm confident that the 2006 batch turned out better. It smells great, it's bitter approaching on painful, it's alcoholy yet smooth, and it's dark and malty: all of my favorite tastes in one cold-one!

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