Thursday, January 11, 2007

Old Monk 10,000

Moderately sketchy beer available at favorite Indian restaurant. Not very good overall. Reminds me of the old favorite high-gravity malt liquor, St. Ides, which goes for ~$2.20 at any sketchy and non-sketchy liquor store or gas station. It's not a bad deal for the purpose of getting a buzz and cooling down before and after an Indian dinner, but it's a little too bubbly and harsh to have with the spicy food. It had a flavor character that I don't recognize. Someone at ratebeer mentioned 'smoked lager,' which may be the target flavor. Anyway, I wouldn't buy it for any purpose other than a cheap buzz, but it's drinkable, if not 'good.'
On a more humorous note, the menu described it not as 'lager' or 'malt liquor,' but as 'super beer.' I thought they had just made a mistake, but that's what's on the bottle!


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