Monday, October 23, 2006

Brooklyn Oktoberfest (draft)

Example number two of a microbrewed American Oktoberfest and perhaps the most bizarre Märzen (MARE-tsen) I've ever had. The first thing I noticed was that the color was a little too dark, almost ruby instead of straight amber or brown. That's not too surprising given the American tendency to brew märzen a little heavier since we don't drink it by the liter over here, and Brooklyn's was certainly no exception. Malt flavors were robust to the point of hurting drinkability, but complex and enjoyable after one stops thinking of the beer as a Märzen. After a second and third sip I began to doubt whether the beer actually conformed to the Reihheitsgebot (purity law). I was convinced that there was a belgian style sugar or fruit additive at work, but according to the Brooklyn website only Munich and Pilsner malts were used, very much in accordance with the style. If that is the case, then I am particularly in awe of the strawberry flavor they managed to massage out of those malts, but I remain unconvinced that it was a good idea. To my mind a Märzen should have some toasty malt flavors and a hint of sweetness, but Brooklyn's was brown sugar and dried strawberries. A tasty, interesting beer, but not really a Märzen. I'd be interested to know if the bar was working from a funky keg or if their beer lines had some residue from a fruity Belgian number, because I still can't quite believe that a brewery like Brooklyn would make a Märzen as weird as that...


Blogger FretlessC said...

Brooklyn is a good brewery. I have little real beer knowledge and less knowledge about German stuff. So little, that I have to vaguely refer to it as "German stuff."

However, I do think that of all the Oktoberfests that I've tried (they seem to pop up everywhere in New England around this time of year), Harpoon's is the most drinkable and enjoyable, though I wouldn't say it's very good. Blue Moon's is also not bad, kinda in the same way the white is.
I get the impression that Oktoberfest style is really not very good at all, unless maybe if you're freezing your ass off outside in the square of some Bavarian town surrounded by dudes who may or may not decide to break their glass on your face for looking like a target or for having stolen blackberries from their yard while hitchhiking from Eastern Europe last spring or more likely for sitting at their table and coveting their women slash daughters. Then maybe the beer would taste good. If not for the actual flavor, at least for the pleasant associations.

That's what I think of Oktoberfest beers. One of you Germanophiles correct me.

4:12 PM  

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