Sunday, October 22, 2006

belgians commit beer atrocity

it's a good thing the hague tribunal is so close to belgium because this freak of brewcraft should be put on trial for flagrant disregard for decency post-haste. with the disfigured body of an aging dutch madame and costing a whopping 1.50 for 750 ml, it tastes like a mixture of stale malt liquor and bum wine. so congratulations, belgium, on one-upping both the 40 and thunderbird in fuck-u-up/cheapliness ration. the two sips i took before sending the rest to the liquid afterlife in the sink were terrible, maybe even worse than that warm, half-finished glass of jaegermeister, coke, and red wine that i drank that one time. but it was so worth it just so i could write this review. Posted by Picasa


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