Friday, October 06, 2006

first beermusic post

(copied from FretlessC blog:)
Moylan's: rated highly by many beer snobs. I think this is for its independence and exlusive customer base. I tried their entire line at a tasting in Brookline, and wasn't particularly impressed. If the double IPA is on sale, as it has been in Boston, for $2.99 per 750mL, it's awesome. Normally priced, it's better to stick with any other double IPA.
Polish: "Okocim - Porter" and "Zywiec - Porter." both very much like chocolate liqueurs, though moreso for the Okocim. the Zywiec has more bite, though is certainly not as smooth. Both exceptionally tasty thick, creamy, smoky, and chocolatey porters. Very strong (around 9% alcohol), and relatively cheap ($2.50 for a 1/2 liter at a Boston beer snob store).
- German: Schneider "Aventinus": one of my favorites ever. The related "Eisenbock": basically the normal Aventinus double bock dehydrated to fit into a smaller bottle. Not as good, though interesting if you're a big fan of Aventinus to try it with less water. The organic weisse with American Cascade hops is also amazing, on the level of the Aventinus but more... honestly, American tasting.
Jersey: Heavyweight ... Porter: some fancy name referencing mythology or something. Anyway, similar to the Okocim porter, and going out of business, so generally on sale in the states. 6ers of a great porter with very high alcohol for $5.50.

U.S.: Founders "Black Rye:"
"dry hopped dark ale made w rye." this is a seasonal from January 06. I think it has aged well, which is nice in a world of beers that skunk after a couple of weeks. for $7 a 6er, it's quite tasty. reminiscent of a porter with more bite. better served cold. i think it's probably relatively strong, though i don't see an APV on the bottle. anyway, I've heard that Founders is a quality brewery, and this is a testament.
Charles Shaw:
wine for between $2 and $4 at any Trader Joe's that sells wine.
I suggest the shiraz and merlot. It's exceptionally good for the $3 Boston price, and convenient.


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