Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Decemberists! Live at Avalon, March 23, 2007

Crane Wife 3; July, July; The Soldiering Life; Bachelor and the Bride; Yankee Bayonette (w/ Shara Worden of My Brightest Diamond); Culling of the Fold; On The Bus Mall; The Legionnaire's Lament; O Valencia; The Island; When the War Came
Eli the Barrow Boy; end w/ extended and theatrical Mariner's Revenge Song
(set list from:
They also played "Infanta" at some point, and maybe more. I had been planning all night on either yelling out "Tain" or "Infanta" if for some odd reason they took requests, but I didn't have to!

This show was amazing. Awesomely, they played (I think) everything from Crane Wife that they excluded at the last show (Orpheum), and didn't overlap too much. They got some amazing songs in there. Bus Mall, Eli, Legionnaire's lament, and When the War Came really made my night, as did the famous theatrical encore as the giant whale ate the band. Beside being entertained, I definitely augmented my appreciation for their older stuff. I don't think I ever really "got" Legionnaire's Lament or On the Bus Mall before the show. And of course, Mariner's Revenge will never sound the same again. Jenny Conlee was awesome. Oddly, we almost ran into her while taking a walk in the park Saturday morning. She was riding some old bike around near the venue. Laura and I both recognized her, thus our converging evidence proves that it was absolutely her. I think she recognized us as her fans by our chic clothes, mod hairstyles, and suave demeanor, so she continued riding away to avoid being bothered.
It was difficult to get a good spot even though we showed up early, so the pictures aren't perfect. If you want better pictures, they're all over the internet. Lots of people try much harder than I. Anyway, I like these.

From BOS_webalbum

So here's Colin towards the beginning of the show rocking out with guitar man Chris Funk on slides in the background.

The singer from My Brightest Diamond (see previous post) accompanies Colin on Yankee Bayonette

I love blurry action pictures.

I think this is Colin while stringing himself up with the mic cord during Culling of the Fold. This song was a particularly great performance, with intro and

engaging the crowd. We tried to get there early and be up front, but early wasn't early enough apparently.

Too bad there were people in front of us, but it's cool to see the whole band. Plus accordion is pretty cool.

More evidence that cello is easy for bassists. And violin for guitarists...? Maybe not, but they played in tune, which was enough to impress me.

During Mariner's Revenge, the drummer beat the hell out of a tom w/ a cymbal on the side (even while in the audience). it was quite humorous.

”Find him, bind him, Tie him to a pole and break his fingers, to splinters, Drag him to a hole until he wakes up, naked, Clawing at the ceiling of his grave“

sweet mother's last words. Drummer ubiquitously weird and funny.

I love the action in this shot... even though that chick's head is in the way AGAIN.

the oceans shook the sky went black and the captain quailed and before us grew the angry jaws of a giant whale!

dont know how i survived, the crew was all chewed alive, i must have slipped between his teeth!

Colin, too hyper just to leave, vents on the kit.

It seems that Google's devious scheme to archive everything that happens ever on You Tube is coming to fruition. Both of the covers from Friday night, one of which was just a random Smiths reference because the band was annoyed by the club next door, are available on YouTube.

Culling of the Fold (Morrissey cover) video:

"Panic" (The Smiths) as the club next door starts thumping:


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