Wednesday, March 24, 2010

nerax cask festival

that's right: cask festival. i didn't take pictures but it was all cask all the time, with a majority of beers coming from the UK. notables were darkstar espresso stout and the stadium bitter by a brewery that starts with M.
the darkstar had notes of pine and pork with a little coffee, and the stadium bitter was rife with floral and citrus hop tones, tempered with a smooth cask body. don't ask me to remember any of the other breweries because i won't see them again until next year.
it was a neat festival, all in all, the crowd being about half people my age and half people my parents' age; a good sign that serious beer enjoyment was taking place. admission was 15$, then pints/half pints/quarter pints were 6/3/2 at one big cash bar backed by a scaffold of gravity tapped casks. big whiteboards displayed the list, color coded by country, and when i got the last quarter pint of german maerzen they sent out an eraser on a stick decorated as the reaper's scythe to erase it.
very unique, and i'll definitely be going back next time.


Blogger FretlessC said...

What is a Nerax?
Sounds amazing. We missed a cask night this week, but it was a local 'summer common,' and somehow I don't think it's a huge loss.

No need to speculate, as your information is more than enough to internet the brewery w/ an M (unless you were writing this just after the festival!). The brewery is Mallinsons ( They have made quite the array of beers, many of which sound awesome:

God I miss the Boston beer snobbery. There are some folks here, and luckily one of my coworkers turns out to be one of the most successful home-brewers in Lincoln, and I tried some Ale on cask he made recently at the party for its winning a local competition. Pretty good on cask. Well-balanced and nice on CO2-tap, but not quite as interesting.

Festival sounds amazing. Let me know the dates for next year...

10:30 PM  

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