Monday, July 06, 2009

Schlafly Reserve Barleywine 2007

Originally uploaded by m.cannamela
ah, 2007 was a good year for barley! this one comes in a brown champagne bottle form factor and has a rich red color. i give it points for its surprising drinkability as well as its tooth-stripping hop-backed malt power.

founder's double trouble

first, let us all marvel at charlie's mastery of surface tension. oooh, ahhh!

and now the beer:

now stand on your head and take another look at the bottle. neat!
double trouble is a beer i really should have reviewed months ago. it came and went in the winter time, but now it's back! and it's just as good as i remember. plenty of hop aggression, great color and an alcoholic malt backbone make this one a winner, though most of us will find the price point too high for an everyday beer.